RTI Ramp Leaderboard

RTI is a way of measuring your vehicle's ability to flex.
It is measured by how far up a ramp the vehicle can go while still keeping all four tires in contact with the surface underneath. Variables such as vehicle length, suspension, and so on are compensated for by using the following equations:

The number of inches a vehicle travels up the ramp before running out of suspension travel (when a tire leaves the ground), divided by it's wheelbase. Then multiply that figure by 1000. A perfect score would be 1000, that is, the vehicle can go as far up the ramp as its wheelbase without lifting a tire. Or simply put:

Inches Traveled  ÷  Wheelbase  x 1000  =  RTI Score

We have hosted many RTI Competitions on a 30 degree ramp.

Here are the results of our 2023 Competitions: